Q & A                   

Questions and Answers

 The Schedule   The Restaurant   The Ceremony   The Wedding Feast   RSVP Details   Travel   Gift Giving   Children   Emergencies 
The Schedule
When is the wedding?Sunday, March 13th, 2005 at 11:00am
What time should I arrive?Please plan to be there no later than 11:00am.
What should I do when I get there?Please click here for the complete timeline.
What time will the event end?We expect to start to wrap things up around 3:00pm.
Can I help in any way?Please click here for more information about helping us with the wedding.
The Restaurant
What is it called?The S t a g e H o u s e Restaurant
Where is it located?366 Park Avenue, Scotch Plains, NJ
How do I get there?Click here for directions
Where should I park?There will be valet parking directly behind the restaurant. Look for the valet parking sign.
What should I wear?Ladies should shine!
Men should wear business attire
(tie and jacket preferred).
Is there assigned seating?Yes. Look for your seating card near the entrance.
Is there handicapped access?Yes. All activities are on the first floor with easy wheelchair access.
Can I smoke at the wedding?Smoking is allowed in the bar area only, and there is ample room outside for smoking.
The Ceremony
What time will the ceremony start?We will be LOCKING the door precisely at 11:30am to commence with the proceedings.
How long will the ceremony last?We expect the ceremony to be no more than twenty minutes in length.
Will I be sitting or standing during the ceremony?Everyone will be seated during the ceremony except for the bride, groom, rabbi and the four people holding the Chuppah poles.
Will I be expected to read or participate in the ceremony?We desire your love. The ceremony will be very simple, and only the bride, groom and rabbi will have speaking roles.
The Wedding Feast
Is the feast sit-down or buffet?We will be having a seated three-course brunch, served by the amazing staff at the Stage House.
Will my dietary needs be taken into account?Yes. The reception will be "kosher-style" with no meat or shellfish being served. We will have multiple vegetarian and vegan/non-dairy options available as well.
What sort of music can I expect?Since our DJ will be an Apple iPod (Long Live Darwin), we have complete control over the music. The music will be pleasant and at a volume designed to not overwhelm conversation. Please click here to post special musical requests.
RSVP Details
When do I need to RSVP by?Please RSVP no later than February 14th.
Where do I RSVP?An addressed RSVP card will be enclosed with your invitation. Please return it by US Post at your earliest convenience.
Do I need to be on the guest list to attend? ;-}Unfortunately, yes. The restaurant is small and will only hold so many people. There are other opportunities to celebrate being planned for the very near future...so please stay tuned!
I am coming from out-of-town. Where should I stay?We have made arrangements for a block of rooms at the nearby Holiday Inn.
Click here for the hotel home page.
What is the price for a room at the Holiday Inn?We have negotiated a group rate of about $80/night plus applicable taxes. Ask for the Gadlin/Stone Wedding group rate.
I am staying at the Holiday Inn. How will I get to the wedding on Sunday?Car travel directions will be provided in flyer format upon hotel check-in for those guests staying at the Holiday Inn.
We will be arranging car pools for those people who need transportation. Please let us know in advance if you need a ride!
Will there be an organized dinner the night before?Yes. The parents of the Groom are hosting dinner for everyone staying at the hotel Saturday night.
Please click here for more details.
This information will also be provided in flyer format at hotel check-in time to those people staying at the Holiday Inn.
Gift Giving
Can I bring a gift?Your presence at our celebration is gift enough.
I really want to purchase a gift. Where are you registered?We are registered online at Amazon.com.
Can I give a monetary gift?We intend to place wedding gift money in a bank account to be used only for child-related expenses. Since we plan to start a family next year, we felt that this would be the best approach.
Can I bring my child/infant with me?No. Please do not bring any children unless they have been specifically invited.
What do I do if I know I am going to be late?Please let us know by phone prior to 11am if at all possible so that we do not worry about you during the ceremony. Please do NOT interrupt the ceremony when you arrive.
What happens if we have a bad storm?Be there if you can get there safely. We are getting married rain or shine!
What do I do if I cannot make it at the last minute?Please let us know by phone if at all possible so that we do not worry about you.
 The Schedule   The Restaurant   The Ceremony   The Wedding Feast   RSVP Details   Travel   Gift Giving   Children   Emergencies 

As of Saturday, February 15th, 2025 at10:00 PM, we have been
happily married for 19 years, 51 weeks, 6 days, 15 hours and 29 minutes!

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